Date: 11.02.2025 - 05:28
For emergency calls: 0090 312 427 10 32 / 0090 534 456 94 98 (Mobile)
Date: 11.02.2025 - 07:58
For emergency calls:
0090 312 427 10 32 / 0090 534 456 94 98 (Mobile)

General Information

General Information

Country Name




Conventional form


Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka



An island off the south-eastern cost shores of India, 880 km north of the equator, in the Indian Ocean. It locate between 5 ° 55 ’and 9 ° 50’ North Latitude and between 79 ° 31 ’and 81 ° 53’ East Longitude.

National Flag    






National Logo     















65,525 sq km




1,340 km


breadth (West to East)

Length (North to South)







225 km



433 km





Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte

Commercial capital

Administrative divisions





















9 Provinces (Central, North Central, North Eastern, North Western, Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Uva, Western, Eastern Province)






Time zone
International dialling code








Sri Lanka is a free, independent and sovereign nation. A President, who is also elected by the people, exercises executive power.  Legislative power is exercised by the Parliament, elected by universal franchise on proportional representation basis. Sri Lanka enjoys a multi-party system. In the Republic of Sri Lanka sovereignty is in the People and is inalienable. Sovereignty includes the powers of government, fundamental rights and the franchise

4th February 1948
Sri Lanka Standard Time is five and a half hours ahead of GMT.
230, 240 volts, 50 cycles AC. If you travel with a laptop computer bring a stabilizer



21.67 million

Population Density (2019)


348 persons per sq. km

Literacy Rate (2018) 


Average: 92.5%, Male: 93.4%, Female: 91.6% 



Sinhala and Tamil are the official languages. Widely English is spoken and understood.
Demography (2012 census report)


Sinhalese (74.9%), Sri Lankan Tamils ​​(11.2%), Indian Tamils ​​(4.1%), Muslims (9.2%), Burgher (descendants of Dutch and Portuguese colonist) and others 0.5%.

Buddhist constitutes 70.1%, Hindu 12.6%, Islam 9.7%, Roman Catholic 6.2% and Other Christian 1.4%  



Low country - tropical, min.24.6 ° C - max.32.3 ° C and Hill country - cooler, min. 18.4 ° C - max. 27.6 ° C. The south-west monsoon brings rain to the western, southern and central regions from May to July, While the north-eastern monsoon occurs in the north and east in December and January
Highest mountain


Pidurutalagala, 2,524m
Highest Waterfall


Bambarakanda, 263m


In 1977 Sri Lanka introduced open economy regime becoming the first South Asian country to start with open economy trade policy. Sri Lanka’s main exports items are Textiles & Garments, Rubber products, Tea, Spices, Fisheries products, Coconut based products, Gems & Precious Stones. Sri Lanka’s main imports are food products, refined petroleum & crude oil, Machinery & Mechanical appliances, vehicles & parts, Iron & Steel, Fabrics etc.

Sri Lanka entered into Free & Preferential Trade Agreements with India, Pakistan, Singapore & member of Regional Trade Arrangements such as Asia Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA), SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA) and South Asia Free Trade Area (SAFTA).

Labor force


25.3% of the labor population is employed in agriculture, 27.6% in industry and 47.1% in services: 40.4% (2019-Central bank report.) The unemployment rate is 4.4% (2018 est.)





Sri Lanka Rupees


Rs 20 Note: Front of the note


Back of the note


Rs. 50 Note: Front of the note


Back of the note


Rs. 100 Note: Front of the note


Back of the note


Rs. 500 Note: Front of the note


 Back of the note


Rs.1000 Note: Front of the note


 Back of the Note


 Rs. 5000 Note: Front of the note


Back of the Note




Coins in circulation

New Series of Circulation Coins - 2017





Please refer or websites or Consult local Sri Lankan embassy, ​​consulate, tourist office or your travel agent for detailed information. 

Working Week


Sri Lanka works a five-day week, from Monday to Friday.

Business Hours


Government offices 8.30 am - 4.15 pm, from Monday to Friday. Private Sector: 9.00 am -5 pm 

Cultural Heritage


Sri Lanka’s cultural depth is recognized by UNESCO, which has declared six archaeological World Heritage Sites in the country

The sacred city of Anuradhapura

The ancient city of Polonnaruwa

The golden temple of Dambulla

The ancient city of Sigiriya

The sacred city of Kandy

The old town of Galle and its fortifications

(The seventh World Heritage Site in Sri Lanka is an ecological

example, The Sinharaja Forest Reserve.)

Important websites  

:  (Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka)  (Ministry of Tourism of Sri Lanka)  (Sri Lanka tea board)  (Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka)  (Board of Investment of Sri Lanka)  (Department of the Registrar of the Companies)  (Sri Lanka Export Development Board)  (The Cantal Bank of Sri Lanka)