Date: 26.03.2025 - 05:04
For emergency calls: 0090 312 427 10 32 / 0090 534 456 94 98 (Mobile)
Date: 26.03.2025 - 07:34
For emergency calls:
0090 312 427 10 32 / 0090 534 456 94 98 (Mobile)

Issuance of New Passports in Lieu of Lost / Damage / Stolen Passports

Issuance of New Passports in Lieu of Lost / Damage / Stolen Passports

Documents Required

  1. If the passport is lost or stolen, please make a complaint to your local police station in the country of residence and obtain a Police report.
  2. Download a stolen or lost passport complaint form.
  3. Duly filled application form (Form ‘K’- 35 A)
  4. Coloured identical three (03) photographs (Size – 3.5cm x 4.5cm) in blue backdrop obtained within the last 03 months showing full face with both ears and forehead visible. Photographs should be without hat, helmet, glasses or any other face covering.
  5.  Original Birth Certificate (Translations are not accepted)
  6. Current visa to stay in Turkey/ Ukraine/Georgia and the document of “Non acquisition of Turkey/Ukraine/Georgia Citizenship confirmation from Turkey/Ukraine/Georgia Authorities”
  7. Turkish/Ukraine/Georgian Passport & the Dual Citizenship certificate if the applicant is a dual citizen
  8. Appropriate academic/professional certificates are required for high skilled professions and a letter from the employer stating the designation is required for other professions.
  9. Marriage Certificate if the applicant is married and wishes to have husband’s surname included in the passport. (original Marriage Certificate and its English translation should be submitted if it is issued by the country other than Sri Lanka and should be attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs in relevant country)
  10. Copies of the last passport (If available) (Data page, observation/alteration pages)
  11. Copies of Sri Lankan National Identity Card, Sri Lankan Driving Licence  (If available)
  12. The Prescribed Fee:

 Note :

  1. Sri Lankan Diplomatic Mission or Consulate shall transmit to the Immigration Department in Sri Lanka the details of the stolen or lost passports. Upon receipt of such information, we will take necessary measures to cancel the stolen, lost or missing passport.
  2. Passport reported lost or stolen can no longer be used for travel. - The details of cancellation will be automatically shared worldwide to avoid misuse. Never use the lost or stolen passport again, even you find it later, after making a complaint. You are strongly advised to obtain a new passport immediately to avoid inconvenience.


All countries passport – If applicant lost his Previous T/D & the produce M/ N passport copy or the Passport number USD 373
All countries passport-  If applicant lost his Previous T/D  & unable to produce the M or N series passport copy or the Passport number USD 473