Date: 26.03.2025 - 18:48
For emergency calls: 0090 312 427 10 32 / 0090 534 456 94 98 (Mobile)
Date: 26.03.2025 - 21:18
For emergency calls:
0090 312 427 10 32 / 0090 534 456 94 98 (Mobile)

Residence / Work Visa

Residence / Work Visa

Visa for this purpose will be issued only by the Controller General, Immigration and Emigration (Controller General,DI & E)

Please see Residence Visa section in the website   for details.

Business Organization or the NGO in Sri Lanka must present the application for work / resident visa on behalf of the applicant directly to the (Controller General, I & E) at least 45 days of expected arrival. The (Controller General, I & E) will then authorize this Mission to issue Entry visa to the applicant.

On receipt of the approval from the Controller General of Immigration & Emigration, the Embassy could issue entry visa once the applicant submits the documents mentioned under ’REQUIREMENTS’.

Once the applicant arrive in Sri Lanka on an entry visa issued by the Embassy, with the approval of the Controller General of Immigration & Emigration Persons can obtain the residence visa /work permit from the (Controller General, I & E) on arrival in Sri Lanka.